Dominion: Harmony FAQ

I figured since I want people to be able to play with this set, I definitely ought to put in an FAQ.  Everything that came up in playtesting and more is in here. 
New images are uploaded here.  I should also note that the Parasprites get 40 copies, not the standard 10.  This seems to be a good number, since last time we played with them significantly, the pile dang near ran out.

Edit: Ok, so I found some more, [b]major[/b] problems with the set.  That's fine, all working to seek perfection here.  Card images have been updated.  Some notes I should make on each card:

Friendship: Braeburn aside, friendship effects are optional for both players.  They are more useful in 3-4 player games, as using them in 2-player essentially means you're letting your opponent get exactly the same benefit without the investment you made.  Larger games at least let you spread out the effect, choosing players who would be least likely to benefit (or who you just wanna be nice to).

Pipsqueak: This is an attack card because players get the card regardless of whether they want it.  You'll be prepared for what you're getting, but what they get may foul up their deck.  For example, you could curse everyone while you have trash effects.  You could also flood a Hedge Maze deck with useless different actions (assuming the board allows it).

Buffalo Tribe: This used to be just 5, but I decided I'd let the cost scale for the size of the game.  Now it has some use in 2-player games.  It costs 3 for a 2 player game, 5 for a 3 player game, and 7 for 4 players.

Daring Do: This is basically your combo finisher.  However many different actions you played, you can get something that costs that much in money.  If this is your 6th action for example, you can get a Gold.

Fluttershy: It doesn't stop all attack cards like I thought it did, but it does neuter a fair amount.  It undoes discard effects and trashes undesired cards you got.  The reaction only works out if they aren't already involved in the effect.  It won't let you counter-Spy them, but it will make sure they also get curses from Witch or discard from Militia.

Changelings: Pay attention to your right player's turn.  You'll have to in order to know what you can play and what those cards do.  It does require a little bit of memory.

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Haven't gotten a chance to play with this version yet, debating whether to make it 3 or stick it at 4.  Resident combo player suggests it really needs to be no less than 4, possibly as much as 6.

Magic Academy: Pick any number on the card and alter it.  This can include the cost, useful for Band of Misfits, but it does not include spelled-out numbers.  Only numerals are effected.  You also cannot use Magic Academy on Changelings' effect (you can alter the cost, but Band of Misfits is again probably the only use for that).  It does not work for other words like numbers, such as that on Throne Room.  It [b]does[/b] let you pick any of those many numbers of Market and add 1.  You want that Market to be a better Laboratory, Village, money, or buys?  You can stack Magic Academies together, since a numeral is involved.  For example, Magic Academy into Magic Academy into Remodel lets you gain something up to 4 more than what you trashed (but still just changing only one number by 2).

Rainbow Factory: You can have any number of these abilities, but it will not accumulate based on how many of that type you have.  Having multiple treasures will not make it give more than 1 money, nor will multiple actions give it more than +1 action.

Applejack: If it's a 2-player game, this is basically just a strictly worse Market.  In any other situation, players could either all name the same card or name different cards.  If they name different cards, Applejack gets more powerful, but your options are a lot more limited.  The irony is that Applejack is probably more useful in the early to mid game, and useless late game.  Might reduce her cost to 4, but she seems ok where she is.

Braeburn: This is the only friendship card where you're required to do something.  I had to word it a little weird, because I couldn't fathom making the opponent remember how much money they got from you (if that would even work).

Parasprites: You need 40 copies of this card vs. the normal 10.  This is so you don't rush an empty pile right away.  You can trash Parasprites to itself (unlike its inspiration Rats), but if you do, it's effectively going to end your turn.  If you can somehow super-combo your way through that, fine.  You found the magical melody to control them.

Zecora: This was initially supposed to just be a Remodel that got a better effect, but it was too wonky how I'd have to word that.  Now it just plain reduces costs, including when you get around to buying things.  For that reason, I felt allowing players to draw 2 more cards would be an appropriate benefit for what is actually better than Highway (Highway affects cards in your hand; this does not).

Discord: Take your time with this card.  First, everyone discards the top card.  Then, make special piles for what everyone's getting (in turn order, if supply is low).  Once those piles have been made, then dispense the cards to people.  It's easy to get confused on what people get otherwise.

Orchard: This card is worth 1 point for every player in the game, meaning it could be from 2 to 4.  Like other victory cards, you need 12 copies of it for 3-4 player games, 8 for 2 players.

Rainbow Dash: Pay attention to the previous player's turn so you know how much you could get from RD.  If the player to your left has RD in their deck, you don't necessarily want to play all your treasures, so as to minimize RD's benefit.  It looks at the total money had, not spent, including money from action cards.  If players do manage to play Rainbow Dash on consecutive turns, the effect [b]will[/b] snowball.  This is intentional: I'm fine with a neverending cycle of money if players are willing to commit to making RD awesome.

Twilight Sparkle: Twilight will be in play when she resolves, so you can't count her for her own effect.  You need 2 other actions in your hand for her to even be profitable, but once you do have that chain going, she can get ridiculous.

Hedge Maze:  If you've played Cornucopia, this is kind of the opposite of that.  If you can manage to keep your deck down to a couple kinds of actions, you're golden.  If you go all over the place and buy one of every action available, it will be worthless to you.  If you've got this card + anything that gives ruins + Tournament + Knights... it's all sorts of bad.  Money decks will probably love it.

Tom: This kind of works like an attack.  In 2-player, it's just better than Gold because it'll be worth at least 3, giving you either more money or making them discard something.  In 4-player, it's worth at least 1, but made everyone else discard a card in that case without costing you any actions.  If you copy it with Counterfeit, players will have to discard twice if they want to deny its value both times.

Derpy: Good luck.  Seriously, part of the fun of Derpy is just trying to figure out how she works.  Play it at your own risk.  I also don't care about the microscopic wording.  That just means you'll be crossing your eyes trying to even read it.  Overcomplication + totally unnecessary ability + microscopic writing = plenty of derp to go around for the card.  It's a colossal failure, and that just means it needs to be around even more.
There IS a correct way for it to be played, and a lot of brainstorming was had over how to get it there.  If you give up, click the spoiler.
Yes, this card is 5 different types of things.  I really wish I could get someone to design a blue/pink/orange template for it.  The primary effect is basically Cellar without the + 1 Action, and you choose another opponent to be able to do it, too.  Like all Duration cards, it will stay in play until your next turn, when again you trigger it for yourself and another player.  The second activation does not use up any actions on your part; it just happens.
As for the reaction, it is very important to recognize that reactions resolve first before the action, and players check in turn order whether they will react.  After player 1 plays an action, player 2 may choose to use Derpy or not.  If not, player 3 can choose, followed by player 4.  If anyone uses Derpy's reaction, nobody else can use its reaction effect for the rest of that turn.  When it does actually resolve, everyone discards the top card of their decks.  Whoever discarded the cheapest card will gain both Derpy and the card that was played, putting them in that player's hand.  The original action does [b]not[/b] resolve (hence why it needs to go to the player's hand), so if you win the Derpy battle, you can still use it).  If the active player loses a Copper, he just outright gets it because, being the active player, the tiebreaker automatically would go to him.  Otherwise, it's the next person in turn order who discarded the lowest cost that would get it.  For example, if you discarded an Estate and all other players discarded Copper, the 2nd player would get it because he was next in turn order.
When it's all done, the active player will not have spent any actions.  He or she will be allowed to still use his action.
You cannot Derp a Derpy (not the reaction part, anyway).  Only one reaction from Derpy can be played per turn.  I was initially entertained by the counter wars, but it got out of hand really quickly


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